Table to Markdown

A tool to convert various tables into Markdown notation,
generating Markdown tables from Excel, CSV, JSON, SQL results and other table formats.

How to use it?

The formats that can be converted are as follows You can convert the following formats to Markdown tables

Convert from Excel to Markdown

Try copying and pasting a cell in Excel or Spletsheet, for example. Or, enter TAB-delimited text.

Copy and paste tables from EXCEL or spreadsheets into the input text area, then copy the execution result.

Convert CSV to Markdown

Type or paste the comma-delimited text.

Paste CSV text into the text area, then copy the execution result.

Convert JSON to Markdown

It supports JSON format such as array and object types.

Paste JSON text into the text area, then copy the execution result.

Convert SQL execution results to Markdown

You can easily convert it to Markdown by copying and pasting the execution result on the console.

Paste SQL text into the text area, then copy the execution result.

Convert HTML to Markdown

Paste the table element surrounded by the <table>~</table> tag in the HTML.

Paste HTML text into the text area, then copy the execution result.